9th October Update: Assigning Gets More Powerful

New Release: Assigning Gets More Powerful

9th October 2021

  New Features

Advanced Order Assigning

  • Ability to assign an order to a driver directly (with no need to driver confirmation) #Dispatcher
  • Ability to manual assiging for one specific driver with confirmation #Dispatcher


  • Ability to change the status of the order directly with no limitation #Dispatcher
  • Ability to change the vehicle type of the order #Dispatcher
  • Ability to re-assigning the driver of an order #Dispatcher
  • Ability to unset the current driver of an order #Dispatcher

Better Driver App Orders Categorations

  • Adding List/Map view in the driver application #DriverApp
  • Adding Reject/Accept ability for driver #DriverApp

Webhook Implmentation (Added to Communication Module)

  • Adding Webhook to communication module #BackEnd #AdminDashboard
  • Integrating Payu payment gateway #BackEnd


  • More details in order item in the list of orders in dispatcher #Dispatcher
  • Driver main page UI #DriverApp
  • Order’s history gets more completed #Dispatcher
  • Showing candidate driver in manual assigning #Dispatcher

 Bugs Fixed

  • Search problem in customer information #Dispatcher
  • Driver password bug after registration #AdminDashboard
  • Distance Coefficient not effected #AdminDashboard
  • Safari status filters UI problem #Dispatcher
  • Drawing the path on the map #Dispatcher
  • Disapearing driver on the map after long-time working with system #Dispatcher
  • Google registration in production #CustomerApp
  • Not loading customer avatar #Dispatcher


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