January 2024
New Features
- The new order creation form has been published. #Dispatcher
- In the new order creation form, the time and distance of the order will also be estimated and shown to you before creating the order. #Dispatcher
- In the new order creation form, the price (base fare, tax, surcharge, cash on delivery, promotion) and the payment method of the order can be edited before the order creation. #Dispatcher
- Bulk import for the customer portal has been added. #CustomerPortal
- We extended the region in which the route optimization feature is supported. #Dispatcher
- When a driver’s account is deleted, they now have the option to reactivate their account if they wish to return. #BackEnd
- The design and implementation of the repeat order form have been improved. #Dispatcher
- The default driver assignment model for creating new orders is now set on “Auto.” #Dispatcher
- VoIP functionality has been enhanced. #Dispatcher
Bugs Fixed
- The “Submit” button bug in the options tab for services has been fixed. #AdminDashboard
- Address editing of orders can now be done without cursor issues. #Dispatcher
- The issue with assigning one order to multiple drivers at the same time has been resolved. #BackEnd
- Notifications of orders receiving new messages will no longer be deleted when scrolling down the list. #Dispatcher
- The problem with the required options of vehicle types has been fixed. #Dispatcher
- The issue with the driver’s list on the dispatcher has been resolved. #Dispatcher
- Driver settings for P&D order type will no longer be reset after opening the order details list. #Dispatcher
- Some issues with the bulk import user interface have been fixed. #Dispatcher
- The problem with editing the customer phone number in the order creation list has been solved. #Dispatcher
- The address search UI has been improved. #Dispatcher
- In repeating an order process, deleting the assigned driver will no longer prevent order confirmation. #Dispatcher
- The orders on the driver’s list can now be clicked without encountering issues. #Dispatcher
- The customer and driver charts will display correct data when the date is set to the current day. #AdminDashboard
- The business customer search issue has been fixed. #AdminDashboard
- The issue with the delay amount of an order has also been fixed. #Dispatcher
- Showing driver’s profile tabs issue has been resolved. #AdminDashboard
- Errors with downloading bulk import transactions have been resolved. #AdminDashboard
- The issue with the reference ID field in the bulk importing has been fixed. #BackEnd
- The reCaptcha error encountered during the registration of new business customers has been resolved. #WebPortal