7th December Update: More Integrated & Dynamic

New Release: More Flexible & Better Integrations

7th December 2021

  New Features

  • Ability to manage and cofigure payment gateways on admin panel #AdminDashboard
  • Ability to have multiple active payment gateways on admin panel #AdminDashboard
  • Ability to manage and cofigure SMS providers on admin panel #AdminDashboard
  • Ability to Map services and Keys on admin panel #AdminDashboard
  • Ability to configure to showing/hiding the price for the driver #DriverApp
  • Ability to configure to showing/hiding the earning (driver income) for the driver #DriverApp
  • Ability to active/deactive the wallet for the driver #DriverApp
  • Adding customers filter to services #AdminDashboard
  • Adding customers filter to vehicle types #AdminDashboard
  • Ability to set the default assigning model for a service (manual/auto) #AdminDashboard
  • Ability to edit the earning and price #Dispatcher


  • Better performance (data and battery) on Driver App #DriverApp
  • Combining business and individual customers in one menu #AdminDashboard
  • Edit order seperation (addresses – price and earning – driver and status) #Dispatcher

 Bugs Fixed

  • Getting offline on some devices #DriverApp
  • Driver password bug after registration #AdminDashboard
  • Driver tracking issue on customer panel #CustomerApp
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