Dispatch Algorithm Improvements and more

April 2024

  New Features

  • The ability to select and copy options during order creation has been added. #Dispatcher
  • Onro map server has been transferred for improved operation. #BackEnd
  • On demo accounts, a custom domain will be instantly created for you upon entering a domain, username, and password. #BackEnd
  • Dynamic radius has been added to the auto-dispatching mechanism #BackEnd
  • The dispatcher’s home message has been released. #Dispatcher
  • A preview pricing test has been released. Admin users can test the pricing algorithm they’ve entered for vehicle types and services. #AdminDashboard
admin can test pricing algorithm in admin panel
  • The reference ID tag has been added to the email communication tags. #AdminDashboard


  • The maximum length of service option field on the order creation form is now restricted to one line. #Dispatcher
  • When editing an order’s driver and status, the vehicle type options will be retained if you change the driver assignment model or assign a driver to it. #Dispatcher
  • Customer name and phone number have been added to the customer transaction CSV file. #BackEnd
  • In barcode scanning for multiple orders with the same reference IDs, the order created last will be shown. #BackEnd
  • The customer’s phone number is now displayed and can be copied in the order creation form. #Dispatcher
  • The promotion code entered for an order will no longer change after scheduling the order. #CustomerApps
  • You can now edit the amount of tax for an order on the dispatcher panel. #Dispatcher
  • Tax and base fare will no longer be rounded after editing. #Dispatcher
  • The database infrastructure has been upgraded for improved performance. #BackEnd

 Bugs Fixed

  • Order details will now be saved when creating a new customer. #Dispatcher
  • The problem with showing the total number of orders after viewing an online driver has been fixed. #Dispatcher
  • The number of online drivers will no longer be displayed incorrectly. #Dispatcher
  • Customer registration form’s user interface has been fixed. #CustomerPortal
  • The error with Onro map has been resolved. #BackEnd
  • Email integration for our onboarding update has been fixed. #BackEnd
  • The cursor issue has been fixed when you are editing the order address. #Dispatcher
  • SendGrid test issue has been resolved. #BackEnd
  • UID error has been fixed. #BackEnd
  • The driver app server error has been resolved and will no longer occur. #DriverApps
  • The browser will no longer crash when an order with large number of dropoffs is being created/repeated in the system. #Dispatcher
  • Some issues with the dispatcher’s new order form has been resolved. #Dispacther
  • The issue where a driver wasn’t offered an order with an estimated available time has been fixed. #BackEnd
  • An “Unassigned” status has been added for P&D (Pickup & Delivery) orders tab. #Dispatcher
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