New Release: Transparency & More!

October 2022

  New Features

  • Showing details on orders that are dispatching real-time #Dispatcher
  • Showing corresponding orders when clicking on the driver on the Map #Dispatcher
  • Adding more usable tags in the communication module #AdminDashboard
  • Adding the Delivery Only order type to Shopify integration #BackEnd
  • Ability to limit the address search result to a set of countries #BackEnd #AdminDashboard
  • New order pop-up on locked screen for Android drivers app #DriverApp
  • The new order’s alarm continues playing in the driver app #ِDriverApp
  • Adding Max-offered setting per driver in auto order dispatching mechanism #BankEnd
  • Adding dispatch priority to services #BackEnd
  • Integrating Isim SMS provider #BackEnd
  • Considering driver waiting time as a parameter in dispatching algorithm #BackEnd
  • Adding the cash-out fee for the driver’s payouts #BackEnd
  • Linking the customer web application in the customer app #CustomerApp


  • Bound the map when a driver/order is selected #Dispatcher
  • Ability to call the driver in the driver profile #Dispatcher
  • Adding address search in the #Dispatcher
  • Changing the driver and orders pins (icons) #Dispatcher
  • Adding filter and search to driver/customer’s support messages #AdminDashboard
  • Linking customer/driver info to their profile in support messages #AdminDashboard
  • Making the content of the page full screen to have more data on page #AdminDashboard
  • Optimizing Google map API calls for cost reduction #BackEnd
  • Ability to hide/show the orders tab #DriverApp
  • Auto return to orders list after order completion #DriverApp

 Bugs Fixed

  • Getting offline on some devices #DriverApp
  • Fixing the order duplication #CustomerApp
  • Fixing saving company number issue #AdminDashboard
  • Fixing the center map problem in adding pricing zone #AdminDashboard
  • Fixing cancel order in order details #AdminDashboard
  • Fixing the date filter issue #Dispatcher
  • Fixing the driver image issue #Dispatcher
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