Customer Feedback: The Key to Better Courier Management

Collecting customer feedback for your courier service.

Customer feedback is the key to better courier management. Feedback is the client’s opinion about your courier service. As a rule, the client himself tends to share this opinion only when he or she is truly dissatisfied. And at this moment, he or she will not go to you, but to an open platform with reviews, where he or she will pour out all his negativity to the delight of your competitors.

In this article, we will talk about how a courier service company can initiate the collection of feedback in order to see an objective picture, and improve the management of courier service.

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Talk to the Client in an Arbitrary Way

You or your employees can communicate with customers directly in your office. By the way, a conversation with the courier manager, as a rule, increases the same loyalty. This is how you show the client how important he or she is and how flexible you can be to meet their needs. You can also use phone calls, but it is very important not to involve robots, but to call yourself to show respect.

By the way, it is very important to choose a suitable time and day for a phone call. According to studies, the response rate increases by 20% from 13 to 15. Perhaps this is due to the fact that people sort out work issues in the morning and are more inclined to communicate by lunchtime.

In addition, you can contact the client by email. It is better to do it at the beginning of the working week. On Monday, people write 33% more reviews than on Friday.

Although both calls and letters are less effective: an email with questions can be put aside” and calls during working hours can cause irritation.In general, communication without a specific questionnaire is suitable only for a courier customer base, since the disparate data will be extremely difficult to analyze and use.

A Modern Customer Feedback Option is to Use Social Networks

For example, you can post a photo of your courier service and ask people to comment. So you will not only get answers to your questions, but also involve the audience in communication.

This method has recently become more and more popular for several reasons. First, most people from all over the world spend a lot of time on social networks. At the same time, the comments of other participants encourage them to join the discussion, even if it was not in the initial plans. In addition, the discussion of a courier service in social networks significantly affects purchasing preferences, which, in turn, also encourages the sharing of opinions.

Customer Feedback is a Key for Courier Business Management

Improving customer satisfaction, fostering loyalty, and creating social proof are some of the benefits of collecting your audience’s opinions. See now why you should adopt this strategy.

Improve your company’s courier management service

When a courier company launches a new brand, or service, it has surely already carried out a comprehensive research to know the market demand, consulted potential customers and made projections to know if the investment is justified.

However, none of this has the same importance and credibility as feedback from people who have actually tried this new portfolio item, let alone if it meets actual customer needs.

With this astonishing and crucial information, you can better understand their perception and what you can do to satisfy all the expectations related to their consumption over time, either to optimize the experience or to improve the requirements of the evaluated article.

Increase customer retention

Customer retention is an effective way to promote loyalty. There are many alternatives in the market, especially with the digitization of the courier companies.

However, a courier company can create differences that facilitate consumer decisions at the time of purchase. In addition, it must guarantee a unique experience and a positive perception of the brand so that the same customer returns as soon as they identify a new consumer demand.

Keeping customers not only guarantees recurring sales and loyalty, but also favors the emergence of brand promoters to conquer new audiences and guarantee profitability in any situation, even in times of crisis.

To ensure this retention, it is essential that the company invests in the complete satisfaction of its audience, from courier service requirements to purchase, usage, and after-sales experience.

Optimize satisfaction with your courier brand

When a courier company meets the expectations of its customers, or at least listens to what they have to say, it creates a relationship of trust that improves its business relationship every day. Consequently, the level of satisfaction increases.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are crucial in determining a company’s financial performance, as they can increase market share, reduce costs or increase revenue.

Show that your company cares about customer feedback

Involving customers in your courier operations is extremely beneficial to your brand. From this, the public understands that your company is concerned with maintaining high levels of satisfaction, feels responsible for improvement actions, and thus becomes more connected with the brand.

Over time, this connection grows loyalty processes, until your loyal consumers become brand ambassadors. A courier business is much more valuable because customers tend to rely more on social proof when they have many options available.

Therefore, placing customer feedback at the heart of your decision-making process may be what you need to ensure the proper delivery of your company’s courier management services.

Keeping a Page for this Type of Customer Contact

Create a form with relevant feedback questions about your courier service, that shouldn’t be too long or shallow (with questions that don’t help better support your strategy).

You’ll be able to encourage customer participation by giving exclusive discounts and perks to those willing to respond to the form. Also, provide an exclusive email to receive personalized feedback, both for complaints and suggestions.

In this way, you can track the profile of the user who provided the feedback through a customer management system. Don’t forget to create an automated response thanking the contact and monitor the resolution process and deadline if the contact was due to a complaint.

Why is it Important to Work with Negative Feedback?

Whether your courier brand is online only or you only use it to amplify your efforts, it all affects your reputation. Unfortunately, it is difficult to build, but very easy to destroy.

As evidenced by statistics, 41% of consumers leave negative feedback if the courier service did not meet their expectations. Clicking one star or sending an angry emoji won’t take the customer long. Instead, such an action has a huge impact on the success of the courier business as a whole.

But there is also good news: although negative feedback can be upsetting, it can be used as an awesome opportunity for improving the courier management business.

A quick response is the key to better courier management. It is important to quickly respond to written feedback on the Internet, especially if it is negative. Yes, 53% of courier customers expect businesses to respond to negative feedback within a week. Customers don’t like it when courier services take their time to respond to feedback.

When a courier business doesn’t respond to negative feedback, the problem in the customer’s mind only gets worse. No one cancels the “word of mouth”: a dissatisfied person will share his experience with friends and acquaintances, and therefore you will lose a lot of potential customers.
A quick response shows that you really care about customer satisfaction and are genuinely concerned about their problem.

Additionally, your response should be personalized. General phrases like “we’re very sorry” and “sorry” can only be annoying. Take the time to carefully read negative feedback, respond thoughtfully to it, and offer options to resolve the issue related to your courier service.

3 Steps to Effectively Manage Feedback

1. Respond to all reviews, including negative ones

That will positively affect sales results. This is also confirmed by a study in which 89% of respondents admitted that they would be more likely to choose the services of the courier company that provides answers to all reviews. 

Providing a polite response and an alternative solution, such as offering a discount on your next purchase, a refund for a failed transaction, or even just simply acknowledging your fault, will show that you can take responsibility for mistakes and that you care about a positive customer experience. 

In addition, you will also get the opportunity to change the opinion of the dissatisfied customer to the positive side and create a good impression of yourself in the eyes of potential customers.

2. Try to respond quickly

This will create the impression that every customer’s opinion and sharing of experience is welcome, which will increase the credibility of your courier management service. Also, how actively you respond to reviews affects search results rankings, because Google, when ranking your website and business profiles, pays a lot of attention to how timely you respond to reviews and whether you do it at all.

3. Encourage customers to leave feedback

Various studies have concluded that for a review to be relevant, it must have been published at least within the last month, which is agreed by more than 50% of respondents. Therefore, invite customers to rate your courier management and make sure that the last review about you is no older than one or two months.

In this way, you will strengthen the presence of the courier company on the Internet, as well as promote sales results, because usually Internet users read and attach importance to the latest reviews, which allow them to understand the current situation related to the courier management company.

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Make sure your feedback channels help you understand the big picture of customer satisfaction. Feedback should help you to improve courier management, assess problems with your services, and take action to fix them.

Customer feedback should be communicated throughout the company on a regular basis. Tell employees about them, focus on their weaknesses so that specialists take this into account when working with clients. Employees must have a complete understanding of what customers like and what needs to be improved.

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